Fragile Finitude: A Forum
Marginalia Review of Books

Fragile Finitude: A Jewish Hermeneutical Theology
Jewish Tradition Is A Public Tradition, Tamar Elad-Appelbaum Rabbi and Founder of Kehilat Zion in Jerusalem
Traces of Transcendence: God In Us All, Arnold Eisen Chancellor Emeritus and Professor of Jewish Thought, The Jewish Theological Seminary
A Jewish Theology for Our Time, Ora Wiskind Professor of Jewish Thought, Michlalah College Jerusalem
Modernity In Search of Meaning, Paul Mendes-Flohr Dorothy Grant Maclear Professor Emeritus of Modern Jewish History and Thought, University of Chicago
The Wisdom of Human Finitude: A Response, Michael Fishbane Nathan Cummings Distinguished Service Professor of Jewish Studies, University of Chicago