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Dec 5, 2017
The Atrocity of Sunsets: Sixty Days in Guatemala
CIAHNAN DARRELL | There are more greens in this world than the eye can see, and between Lake Izabal and the Gulf of Honduras they ascend...

Dec 5, 2017
Unintended Consequences: How the Reformation Expanded Theology
CHRISTOPHER OCKER | It all began with propositions “for a disputation for the sake of disclosing the power of indulgences”

Nov 24, 2017
Disenchanting the English Reformation
RICHARD REX | At some point in the second half of the twentieth century, England somewhat unexpectedly ceased to be a Protestant nation.

Nov 24, 2017
Sacrifice Revisited
AUDREY BOROWSKI | Sacrifice has endured as a permanent fixture on our horizon...

Nov 10, 2017
Revolutionary Reading? The Bible of the Reformers
MICHAEL C. LEGASPI | In the year 1600, there were only a handful of known heliocentrists.

Nov 10, 2017
An Unreliable Alchemy
IRINA DUMITRESCU | One day the world shifted, and no one noticed but me...

Nov 10, 2017
The World the Reformation Made?
JOEL F. HARRINGTON | In 1976, the novelist Kingsley Amis imagined a modern world in which the Protestant Reformation had never occurred

Oct 26, 2017
Separating the Two Swords
SARAH MORTIMER | The theological revolution begun by Martin Luther in 1517 not only challenged the authority of the Catholic Church

Oct 26, 2017
Ad Fontes: How the Bible Shaped a Movement
G. SUJIN PAK | Martin Luther’s reformation was theological through and through. At its very heart were questions of theology.

Oct 26, 2017
Edom Divided: Jews and the Reformation
LARS FISCHER | “The Reformation” is really an umbrella term that covers a whole range of partly distinct, partly overlapping reformations

Oct 26, 2017
Reading the Bible with Authority
BRUCE GORDON | Perhaps the most well-known aspect of the Reformation was how it made the Bible available in the languages of lay people

Oct 25, 2017
The Protestant Reformation as a Metaphysical Revolution
SAMUEL LONCAR | The Protestant Reformation, like any historical event, is a construction of memory.
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