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Dec 7, 2018
How I Became a Jewsuit
SARIT KATTAN GRIBETZ | In 1962, my grandfather, a Swiss Jew from Zurich, sent a letter to Pope John XXIII congratulating him on being...

Oct 27, 2018
Antisemitism Is Our Problem
SAMUEL LONCAR | We can confront the fact that antisemitism is a deeply internalized part of American and European culture...

Jun 5, 2018
Meister Eckhart: Dangerous Mystic
JOEL F. HARRINGTON | After nearly seven centuries of relative obscurity, the fourteenth-century mystic Meister Eckhart has emerged...

Apr 26, 2018
A Future for a Handful of Hours
ROSEBUD BEN-ONI | It was not until our very last conversation— when you asked if I read you Amichai’s Poems of Jerusalem to keep...

Feb 16, 2018
Naked Luther: The Politics of Culture in Three Early Images of Luther
BRIAN CUMMINGS | Images of Martin Luther abound in his anniversary year, and they tend to conform to a type

Feb 2, 2018
One Text, One Truth?
DAVID NORTON | Luther’s 95 Theses were written, as their opening says, “out of love for the truth and from desire to elucidate it”

Jan 19, 2018
The Varieties of Memory: The Historiography of the German Reformation
UTE LOTZ-HEUMANN | The German Reformation has at least two vibrant historiographies that sometimes intersect

Jan 19, 2018
Unreformable Ireland? The Failure of the Reformation in Ireland
HENRY A. JEFFERIES | What makes Ireland so interesting for Reformation studies is that it stands out as the classic exception

Dec 22, 2017
On Books and Earthquakes
CARLA BARICZ | A few days before New Year’s, I was awakened from deep sleep by the slow, shuddering groan of the bookshelves...

Dec 7, 2017
When Faith Alone Is Lost
ALEC RYRIE | The philosopher Charles Taylor puts his finger on the question. “Why was it virtually impossible not to believe in God in, say,
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