Why Lorca Matters
NOËL VALIS | Memory and death. The solid and the spectral. The murdered Spanish poet-playwright Federico García Lorca . . .
Why Lorca Matters
Stop Looking at Yourself: On the Dangers of Mirrors and Selfies
What is Scientific Truth—And Why Does it Keep Changing?
Science and Metaphysics: A Family Quarrel?
A Nook of Her Own: Virginia Woolf, Class, and the Creative Life
Forbidden Hunger: The Rabbis’ Path to Wellness
Science, Imagination, and Poetry
Cormac McCarthy: The End of the Road
Winning the Lottery and Learning to Dream
Becoming Self-Aware In Words: A Sanskrit Lexicon of Emotions
The Cherubim: From Guardians of Eden to Auschwitz
Hebrew Literature and The Fate of American Hebraism